Download FIFA Mobile APK for PC (2025):

Here is good news for you. If you want to play FIFA Mobile on a PC then we bring its solution for you. So you need to install an emulator on your PC. By installing an emulator, you can also install many android apps on the PC such as FIFA mobile APK.

How to download and install BlueStacks emulator?

Follow this method step by step to install BlueStacks emulator:

  • Give one touch on “Download Button” to download Bluestacks emulator.
  • Launch the installer once it’s done downloading.
  • Wait until the process finishes, after which BlueStacks will launch automatically.

Congratulations! you’re almost done, now you’re ready to start gaming on BlueStacks.

Requirements for Bluestacks:

You should check first, before you install BlueStacks that your PC fulfil the following requirements:

Minimum Requirements of System:

  • OS: Microsoft Windows 7 and above.
  • Processor: Intel or AMD Processor.
  • RAM: Your PC has at least 4GB of RAM. (Note that having 4GB or more disk space is not a substitute for RAM).
  • HDD: 5GB Free Disk Space.
  • You must be an Administrator on your PC.
  • Up to date graphics drivers from Microsoft or the chipset vendor.

Once you’ve verified that your PC can run BlueStacks, you can go ahead and proceed with the installation.

Installing BlueStacks:

Find Bluestacks setup file in your download folder and run as administrator. By clicking and continuing, after a few minutes Bluestacks installing finishes. It will launch automatically.

Setting Up Your Google Account and Play Fifa Mobile:

After which you will be prompted to link a Google account so you may start playing mobile games on PC.

Bluestacks emulator is ready for you. Simply you can download Fifa Mobile Apk by single touch on the “download button”. Now you can enjoy fifa mobile on your PC.